Vietnam July 2008

Vietnam river at night
Ah yee and ma on the dinner boat
Another dinner boat that passed us by
Pa and Ma. Had driven about 1-2 hours to grab lunch at this place.
Kat, pa, ma and I
Ah yee about to drink lobster blood vodka
crab vs. crab
Saw this guy fishing??? during lunch

Went to see cuchi tunnels. Here, Kat is hanging out with some soldiers
Pa standing in front of a tank
Crab on tank
Door trap
Folding Chair Trap
Rolling trap
Armpit trap
Window trap
Ground trap
Some more traps
Crab at a crater created by a B-53
Cooking vent. During the war (Americans call it the Vietnam war, Vietnamese call it the American war), the Vietnamese fighting the war would all cook at their meals at the same time at 5 in the morning. The steam generated would seem out and create a fog. Since everyone cooked at the same time, it was near impossible to determine where the steam was coming out from and find the hiding spots.
Crab in one of the kitchens
Crab and I at one of the officers' table
Lady showcasing the making of rice paper
Old tires would be converted into shoes. Recycle!
I'm standing on a tunnel entrance. For those of you who remember the size of my shoes, you can imagine how small that tunnel opening is.
Yes, that's my butt. Had to stoop pretty low to get through the tunnel

Some colourful boats in the Mekong
Kelongs on the Mekong
Lady cutting the coconut candy into pieces to be then manually wrapped individually
2 boats passing each other in one of the Mekong tributries
Pa and ma with tour guide on boat
Kat, crab and I on the boat on the Mekong