Oakland - Oct 2011

Met up with Rose for lunch at Taleo and guess who was in town? JP Charlebois from Quebec!
One of the trays at the security line. TSA has a sense of humour. Who knew?
Creative gate decorations for halloween at Oakland airport
Los Angeles - Oct/Nov 2011

A buddhist temple in LA somewhere near Monteray / Chinatown area.
Kodak theatre for Cirque du soleil - Iris (pronounced yee-reese)
Bo and Prachi at the top of the hike in Malibu
Parking meters accept credit cards!!! As Prachi said, this is LA! Everything is plastic!" :p
Halloween in LA - "What do you want?" "Cookies!" "When do you want them?" "Now!!"
At some bar with Gayan and Bo. Bo had gone to a concert and Gayan went to get some shabu shabu (after a 1.5 hrs wait!!).
Was watching Food Network: Diners, Drive-ins and Dives and heard about Bratz Brothers in Sherman Oaks where Bo lives so I dragged people with me to go try the food there.
New Haven - Nov 2011

Celebrating Kathryn's birthday at Union League Cafe, New Haven CT.
Castle (more like a midget castle) at the top of the hike at Meriden, CT.
Kathryn and I at the castle
On our way back, crossing one of the streams.
We waited outside in the cold for 45 mins for this pizza!! Look at the size of the pizza! We actually ate 75% of it.
Did about a 2 mile roundtrip hike at River Mianus (yeah yeah my-anus)
Lyle with his windex to clean the inside windshield. Had met up with Lyle quickly at Northampton, MA (about 1.5 hrs drive straight north from New Haven).
My new favourite freeway to drive in the US - Merritt Parkway. Isn't it pretty?
Great to see Sonia again. We were at Shake Shack in Westport, CT.
New York City - Nov 2011

Highline park in NYC. It's built on part of an old elevated, abandoned railway tracks in the meatpacking district. See the old railway tracks?
Kat at one of the sitting areas along the park. This one had a "window" for people to watch the traffic go by. The seating area is pretty cool - benches but the pathways are sloped to act as ramps.
"Lounge chairs" for folks to rest their feet and enjoy the view of Hudson River. Some of the "chairs" can slide along the rail tracks.
Me at another "rest stop"
Section of bird boxes.
Kat and I
Kat and I under a hotel along the park. We can actually wave "hi" to the hotel guests.
Chocolate show 2011 fashion designs. Well, some of them.
Some carving at the chocolate show
Kat with Cupcake Wars star Florian Bellanger.
Me getting a book signed by oooh forgot his name. Wait ... Johnny Iuzzini
Dinner with Sunil, Dolly and Saloni.
Lunch downtown with Amy and Lakshmi
Jenn and I outside 1 CMP.
Went to the museum of moving images: Jim Henson exhibit. Miss Piggy!!
And Rowlf!
One of the characters from Dark Crystal. Didn't know Jim Henson was behind this show until I went to see the exhibit.
Walked around Central Park my last day in NYC. This is one of my favourite trees.

Seattle - Nov 2011

Can't remember the significance of this place but it looked really quaint. This is at Pioneer Square.
Still at Pioneer Square. Can't figure out why they have knits around the trees. Keeping the trees warm, perhaps?
Trees I can understand IF I really stretch it. But lamp posts?!?!?! Je ne comprends pas.
Checked out some glass blowing. This is around the park where there's a dedication to UPS. UPS started in Seattle with 2 guys and 2 bikes or so I'm told.
Pikes Place
Part of the underground tour. What you're seeing used to be the storefront of shops.
Original Seattle sewage pipe. That is the main pipe for 500 households. Yeah, it's not big enough.
Taking the bus back to where I was staying at. They have buses running underground. Very curious!
Me at the first starbucks store. The only one I know where there is no seating.
The "dirtiest" tourist attraction in Seattle - the gum wall. Gross!!
Joy and I
This guy is very creative. If you can't see properly, it's a person in a wheelchair.

Bay Area - Nov 2011

Paid Stella and her family a visit. Took a picture of mom and son, Soloman.
Inside the big top: Cirque du soleil: Totem (pronounced tah-tum)
Can you see me?
Kat and I at Ghiradelli Sqaure eating our sundaes. Yummmm