Singapore / Kun Ming September 2 2010

Had to get up early today to catch a 0820 flight to kunming. *yawn* At immigration in kunming, the officer looked at my passport then looked at me then looked at my passport again and then looked at me with a confused look. Since this is the second time experiencing this, I reached for my I.C. and handed it to the officer. Ahhh ... ok. Now he believes the passport is mine. Sheesh! Checked in for the domestic flight to Lijiang and went fro a quick lunch of "over the bridge" noodles. Hot bowl of noodles with a layer of oil at the top supposedly to keep the heat in. Flight to Lijiang ended up with holding patterns, one misapproach and finally returning to Kunming where we are holed up now. :( Wait ... wait... play cho dai di ... wait. Yeah. we can fly!! Finally arrived in Lijiang at about 9 at night. Got to the Conifer Lishui hotel close to 2230. *yawn*

Ouf! Ouch! The bed is so darn hard!! Opened the curtain - where's the mountain?? Had breakfast then met up with our tour guide. Just as we were about to leave, she realised she got the wrong tickets! The ones she has belong to the other group. Tickets swapped and we're on our way to see some Naxi frescos (Bai Sha murals). Most of them were destroyed except 3. And they were saved by this guy who hung Mao's picture over/on top of the frescos. :)
All of us in front of the Bai Sha entrance
They call this the naked tree. It has no bark.
Typical courtyard
NIce plant
Front of a building/temple
Next, we went to YuShui village where the have orange salmons (which are really trouts on further investigation). Saw the god that has a body of snakes and was told the story of the god of nature vs. god of men.
All of us at Yu Shui
Yaks at the waterfall at Yu Shui
See the clear waters?!
Carvings on a door panel
Drove up, bus-ed up and finally cabled up to YuLong mountain. Waterfalls are so beautiful and water's soo cold. I guess it's melted snow so duh! Extremely clear water... have this urge to want to go swimming. There were some bodies of water that were milky blue due to the minerals and stones in it. Apparently, these bodies of water change colour through the year depending on the temperature. Saw a song and dance show about the local tribes then went to old town afterwards to have dinner. Dad ordered the salmon fish. Didn't taste like the usual salmon but that's what they say it is. The fish were originally imported from the US. Anywho, walked around old town a little and headed back to the hotel. We took a quick turn at the new old town right next to the hotel but it was quite quiet so we went back to sleep on the *bleep*ing hard bed.
Blue body of water
Ma and Pa in the cable car going up the mountain
Ma and I at one of the stops at Yu Long mountain
Some field (can't remember the name) at Yu Long mountain
Casey and I washing our hands in freezing cold melted snow river
Got up earlier today to catch the "Impressions of Lijiang" show directed by Zhang Yimou. Pretty good show but not as good as the one in HangZhou. After, we went to Dong Ba Gu to check out a traditional Dong Ba village - pretty cool. Got to hit a bunch of drums for 2 RMB. Lunch was hot pot/funghi. At Helong Tan now. Beautiful garden ... just too many people/tourists! Also, smoking in gardens should be banned and enforced strictly! Left for the airport to catch a short flight back to KunMing. Uneventful flight. Got into KunMing and got to experience a little of their city traffic. :( Checked into the Grand Park Hotel and went for dinner. Had BBQ and got "splattered" with hot oil despite the apron provided. Ouch! Easy night which is much desired. And on comfy beds too!
Actors performing Huan Xiang Li Jiang
All of us at the Huan Xiang Li Jiang stage
Casey and I after the show with actors coming down the ramp
Crabby in a field of flags
Pa hitting drums
Charms hanging overhead
Ma spinning those tibetan prayer wheels. You have to use your non-dominant hand to turn the wheels.
Casey going through local fitness test
Casey and I at Hei Long tan
Can you see me on the bridge?
Pa and Ma at Hei Long Tan
Pa sitting in front of LiJiang's version of Fu Lu Dong Hai Shou Bi Nan Shan
At the front of old town
Ma and Pa in the old town
Casey and I sitting on 1 of the bridges in old town
On the road before 8 to go to JiuXiang caves. Arrived at about 10 - after 2 hours on the road. The second half was very windy. There, we took the elevator down to take a boat ride along the river for a short while to see the gorge. We then walked through some caves. Some of them were huge and some had holes in the ceiling. Holes were created by steam over thousands of years. Instead of climbing the 336 steps up to catch the chair lift back to the entrance, we took the chair sedan up. Now, we're on our way to Stone Forest. Stone Forest was quite ... stoney. Not sure how else to describe it. Apparently, that area of YunNan used to be under water. Earthquake caused the earth to move up. After thousands of years of weather conditioning (eroding soil, limestone, etc.), what's left are the rocks!
All of us at Jiu Xiang caves
High five!
Pa and I at the caves
All of us at one of the stops at Stone Forest
Crab... what?
Crab and I thinking