Grand Cayman July 2010

This is seven mile beach. Walked about a mile of it one day. Isn't it gorgeous?
Whatever that thing is growing from the tree, it's huge!
Went to check out the blue Iguanas. They are amazingly blue.
This little fella was hiding in the trees
Saw this kingfisher along the trail
Giant prickly things
Me no like these slithery things
Not sure what these are but they're pretty
Lyle took this one. Rather pretty, no?
View of the water steps from the apt
Garden where we hung out one evening to watch a lightning show from afar and where the hammock is. Quite comfy the hammock ... as long as there are no parrots above you eating the fruits (good tip from Norma).
View from a petrol stop along one of the roads
Norma and Lyle. Awesome hosts.
The 3 of us on the day I left
On the day I arrived, I went snorkeling and boy oh boy did I see plenty that swim. Sea turtle, hound fish, cow fish, giant school of sprats, giant sea urchin and a stingray (which I turned around rather quickly after I saw that). There were others that I can't remember the names of. Too bad I didn't have an underwater camera with me (not that I even own one).