Mercedes Benz Driving Experience 2012 (Singapore)

We stared off the day with an entertaining lecture from Peter Hackett, chief instructor for Mercedes Benz Driving Academy
One of the instructors (Josh) for the day showing us the proper way to sit in the car.
The three instructors for the day (From left: Josh, Ben, George). I cannot remember their last names.
The tent nearest to the lecture room where we gathered at the end of the day so all of us could time ourselves around the track with the SLK.
It drizzled a little while we were out practicing the various maneuvers taught. This is what we got after the showers. Neat, eh?
My laps
My sister, Cyrene recorded me while I did my practice lap and then the timed lap.
Instructor Ben was my timekeeper. This was taken before the practice lap. :)
Instructor's lap
After our timed lap, we got to get tossed around like we're in a washing machine while being driven around the track by the chief instructor.